You did not have enough memory to do that last operation. Sorry.
An error has occured!
Critically low on memory, releasing emergency reserve. Close windows to free memory.
Insufficient System Error
GPSy requires System 7.5 or better and Appearance Manager support. Bye.
An error has occured!
Apple events not available, GPSy can't run. Bye.
An error has occured!
Drag and Drop not available. GPSy can't run. Bye.
An error has occured!
Drag and Drop shared library unavailable. GPSy can't run. Bye.
An error has occured!
A required resource was not found. Could not complete operation.
An error has occured!
A required user item was missing from the dialog. Can't highlight default button.
An error has occured!
The disk/volume is full.
An error has occured
The proper disk volume can’t be found or isn’t installed (which means I can’t find the application/file you want).
An error has occured!
The disk/volume is locked.
An error has occured!
The file is locked.
An error has occured!
The file was not found.
An error has occured!
Unknown I/O error.
An error has occured!
There has been a printing error.
An error has occured!
No printer driver available. Use the Chooser to select a printer, and then choose Page Setup.
An error has occured!
There is no file to revert to.
An error has occured!
Unable to open some files.
An error has occured!
Unable to print some files.
An error has occured!
An Apple event was received but not handled.
An error has occured!
Bad parameter error. Attempted to work with nil handle.
Serial Port Error!
Selected serial port not currently powered or configured properly.
Serial Port Error!
Selected serial port currently in use/open. See manual on how to force serial port closed if there is no conflict (Option-ResetGPSy).
Serial Port Error!
Selected serial port not configured properly. Possible conflict with AppleTalk?
Serial Port Error
Selected serial port no longer available (did you remove a PC Card?). Please verify serial port selection in Serial Preferences panel.
QuickTime Error
QuickTime has returned an error for an operation for some inexplicable reason. See for updates.
QuickTime cannot open file
The installed version of QuickTime does not have a imaging component for this file type. Please verify it is a supported image type.
Obsolete QuickTime‚Ñ¢ Installed
An obsolete version of QuickTime‚Ñ¢ is installed. We recommend installing the latest version of QuickTime:
QuickTime Error
The map size is too large (width > 4096 pixels) to draw at full resolution. Hold down the option-key while opening image to force rezing at lower resolution.
Beta Test Expiration Error.
Sorry, this pre-release software has expired. Please check the site for a new copy.
Calibrated Image Map Not Found Error
GPSy could not locate and open the referred map file. Please manually locate: